How I Find Motivation to Work Out

fitnes motivation alo yoga Julia friedman
Julia Friedman Alo Yoga Workout Motivations
Julia friedman how I find motivation to work out in Alo Yoga

Exercise and maintaining a fitness routine has been a huge part of my life since I was around 14 years old and modeling swimwear. I danced growing up and that is why I love pilates so much. I became fascinated with health food and the way in which my body responds to different food choices and exercise routines. I try to maintain a 75% plant based diet and only eat animal protein once a day. I try to steer clear of meat and I always substitute milk for almond or coconut milk. When you feel good from the inside, it radiates through your outer shell in everything you do. I wanted to share how I find motivation to work out with you, to hopefully inspire you to do the same!

Mental Benefits

I've mentioned before in previous posts that I am a thinker and observer and therefore have many thoughts constantly running through my brain. Workout classes specifically give me a chance to unplug from the outside world and give myself an hour to disconnect my brain. This also helps me cope with general anxiety or feeling of restlessness. Even if I walk for 20 minutes at the gym, I feel refreshed afterwards. Something about classes really help me grow as an athlete and as a person because you are constantly challenging yourself and learning how to trust and listen to your own body.

Physical Benefits

Abs? Booty? Yes, we all want those. What's better than seeing the physical changes of your body after a week or so of eating healthy and working out? It is extremely rewarding and motivating. I have never owned a scale and I don't believe in weighing myself, so I choose to evaluate my progress simply by looking in the mirror! I think this is the best way to motivate yourself.

Confidence Booster

I don't know about you, but when I feel good and energized internally, it radiates through in everything I do. When I feel strong physically, I begin to feel stronger and more confident mentally. It's remarkable what relationship can be formed between the mind and body.  Feeling good and looking good go hand-in-hand. My parents always said, "happy girls are the prettiest," and I believe that is true. A workout makes that smile shine even brighter because you made the time for you, and you should be proud of yourself. I think this whole body/mind process teaches us to love ourselves and make time for ourselves too.

What motivates you?